Newsletter January 2023
A word from the president...
A happy and blessed new year to you. The Chesterton Board closed 2022 with several noteworthy events.
We had the great fortune of having Mr. William Perales from the University of Dallas at our November info session. Mr. Perales, who has previously held several positions within the Fort Worth Diocese, including principal of Nolan High School, spoke to the group about the importance of classical education. In his current role at UD, Mr. Perales is working to support small and independent classical schools, specifically in helping them get established, develop curriculum and find instructors.
Our info session was perhaps our most engaging yet, and we were encouraged to see families venture from Dallas and beyond to come and learn about what we are trying to accomplish.
In the new year, the Board is turning its attention to two significant projects: 1) finding a location for the school; and 2) identifying and hiring the headmaster.
Before the holiday, we looked at a potential (and promising) location. We also began informal conversations with several potential candidates for headmaster. And just before the new year began, we posted the position to our website. Please share it with any qualified candidates who might be interested.
We continue onward. Thank you for prayers and support.
Yours in Christ,
Carlos Crespo
President of the board CAFW
The role of the headmaster
Of the many important roles at a Chesterton Academy, the headmaster is the most critical.
He (or she) sets the tone for the school and helps to establish and maintain the culture of the institution.
A headmaster faithfully promotes the school’s Catholic identity and classical philosophy for the educational and spiritual benefits of each student, faculty and staff member, and the ultimate glory of God.
While the headmaster will often be called upon to teach classes (this has happened in other academies around the country) his primary role is as both administrator and institutional leader. He will manage the hiring of teachers and staff, the daily operations of the school, and most importantly, ensure that all involved are living up to the highest ideals of a Chesterton Academy.
In the next newsletter, we will include a short interview with the headmaster of another Chesterton Academy to provide a sense of what the role entails.
As previously mentioned, the posting for headmaster of Chesterton Academy Fort Worth is listed here:
Upcoming information sessions
Spring info sessions are being planned. Please look for further communications for date and location. Please also continue to share information with others who might be interested.
“Truth is stranger than fiction because we have made fiction to suit ourselves”