Chesterton News
North Texas Interview of the Week
In case you missed our headmaster, Steven Barmore, on the North Texas Interview of the Week that aired on November 16th, here it is.
He shares highlights of the school year so far and upcoming events.
Job Posting: Music Teacher
We seek a talented and dynamic full-time music teacher to join our team starting in the 2023-24 academic year. Part-time options may also be available.
Job Posting: Literature Teacher
We seek a talented and dynamic full-time literature teacher to join our team starting in the 2023-24 academic year. Part-time options may also be available.
Job Posting: Math & Science Teacher
We seek talented and dynamic full-time Math and Science teachers to join our team starting in the 2023-24 academic year. Part-time options may also be available.
Headmaster Job Description
The board of directors is looking for the founding Headmaster of the CAFW. To apply, please send your resume and any other relevant information to